Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- pagila93 - A sample database for PostgreSQL
- pgFormatter - A PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier
- pg_activity - Top like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring
- pg_catcheck93 - Tool for diagnosing PostgreSQL system catalog corruption
- pg_comparator93 - Efficient table content comparison and synchronization for PostgreSQL and MySQL
- pg_filedump93 - PostgreSQL File Dump Utility
- pg_fkpart93 - PostgreSQL extension to partition tables following a foreign key
- pg_jobmon93 - Job logging and monitoring extension for PostgreSQL
- pg_partman93 - A PostgreSQL extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
- pg_reorg93 - Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases without any locks
- pg_repack93 - Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases without any locks
- pg_shard_93 - Easy sharding for PostgreSQL
- pg_top93 - 'top' for PostgreSQL process
- pgadmin3_93 - Graphical client for PostgreSQL
- pgagent_93 - Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
- pgbadger - A fast PostgreSQL log analyzer
- pgbouncer - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
- pgbson93 - BSON support for PostgreSQL
- pgcluu - PostgreSQL performance monitoring and auditing tool
- pgdg-fedora93 - PostgreSQL 9.3.X PGDG RPMs for Fedora - Yum Repository Configuration
- pgespresso93 - Optional Extension for Barman
- pgfincore93 - PgFincore is a set of functions to manage blocks in memory
- pgloader - Fast data loader for PostgreSQL
- pgmemcache-93 - A PostgreSQL API to interface with memcached
- pgmp93 - PostgreSQL Multiple Precision Arithmetic Extension
- pgpool-II-93 - Pgpool is a connection pooling/replication server for PostgreSQL
- pgreplay - PostgreSQL log file re-player
- pgrouting_93 - Routing functionality for PostGIS
- pgsi - PostgreSQL Log Analyzer Script
- pgsphere93 - R-Tree implementation using GiST for spherical objects
- pgstat2_93 - PostgreSQL monitoring script
- pgtap93 - Unit testing for PostgreSQL
- pguri93 - uri type for PostgreSQL
- pgxnclient - Command line tool designed to interact with the PostgreSQL Extension Network
- phpPgAdmin - Web-based PostgreSQL administration
- plpgsql_check_93 - Additional tools for PL/pgSQL functions validation
- plproxy93 - PL/Proxy is database partitioning system implemented as PL language.
- plr93 - Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL and R
- plsh93 - Sh shell procedural language handler for PostgreSQL
- plv8_93 - PostgreSQL procedural language powered by V8 JavaScript Engine
- postgis2_93 - Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
- postgresql93 - PostgreSQL client programs and libraries
- postgresql93-jdbc - JDBC driver for PostgreSQL
- postgresql93-odbc - PostgreSQL ODBC driver
- postgresql93-python - Development module for Python code to access a PostgreSQL DB
- postgresql93-tcl - A Tcl client library for PostgreSQL
- powa_93 - PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer
- powa_94 - PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer
- prefix93 - Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
- proj - Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
- python-psycopg2 - A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python