Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- PyGreSQL - A Python client library for PostgreSQL
- PyGreSQL-debuginfo - Debug information for package PyGreSQL
- pagila94 - A sample database for PostgreSQL
- pam-pgsql94 - PAM module to authenticate using a PostgreSQL database
- pam-pgsql94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pam-pgsql94
- pgFormatter - A PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier
- pgMail - Send email from inside a PostgreSQL Database
- pg_activity - Top like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring
- pg_back - Simple backup script for PostgreSQL
- pg_bloat_check - Bloat check script for PostgreSQL
- pg_bulkload94 - High speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
- pg_bulkload94-client - High speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
- pg_bulkload94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pg_bulkload94
- pg_catcheck94 - Tool for diagnosing PostgreSQL system catalog corruption
- pg_catcheck94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pg_catcheck94
- pg_comparator94 - Efficient table content comparison and synchronization for PostgreSQL and MySQL
- pg_comparator94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pg_comparator94
- pg_fkpart94 - PostgreSQL extension to partition tables following a foreign key
- pg_jobmon94 - Job logging and monitoring extension for PostgreSQL
- pg_partman94 - A PostgreSQL extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
- pg_partman94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pg_partman94
- pg_qualstats94 - A PostgreSQL extension collecting statistics about predicates
- pg_qualstats94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pg_qualstats94
- pg_repack94 - Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases without any locks
- pg_repack94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pg_repack94
- pg_shard_94 - Easy sharding for PostgreSQL
- pg_shard_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pg_shard_94
- pg_slotsync94 - Script and extension to keep replication slot in sync between master and replicas
- pg_slotsync94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pg_slotsync94
- pg_stat_kcache94 - A PostgreSQL extension gathering CPU and disk acess statistics
- pg_stat_kcache94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pg_stat_kcache94
- pg_top94 - 'top' for PostgreSQL process
- pg_top94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pg_top94
- pg_track_settings94 - PostgreSQL extension to keep track of settings modification
- pgadmin3_94 - Graphical client for PostgreSQL
- pgadmin3_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgadmin3_94
- pgadmin3_94-docs - Documentation for pgAdmin3
- pgadmin4 - Management tool for PostgreSQL
- pgadmin4-babel - Tools for internationalizing Python applications
- pgadmin4-babel-doc - Documentation for Babel
- pgadmin4-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgadmin4
- pgadmin4-desktop-common - Desktop components of pgAdmin4 for all window managers.
- pgadmin4-desktop-gnome - GNOME Desktop components of pgAdmin4
- pgadmin4-docs - pgAdmin4 documentation
- pgadmin4-python-Flask-Mail - A Flask extension for sending email messages
- pgadmin4-python-alembic - Database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
- pgadmin4-python-babel - Library for internationalizing Python applications
- pgadmin4-python-backports.csv - Backport of Python 3 csv module
- pgadmin4-python-beautifulsoup4 - HTML/XML parser for quick-turnaround applications like screen-scraping
- pgadmin4-python-blinker - Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
- pgadmin4-python-dateutil - Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
- pgadmin4-python-dateutil-doc - API documentation for python-dateutil
- pgadmin4-python-extras - Useful extra bits for Python
- pgadmin4-python-fixtures - Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more
- pgadmin4-python-flask - A micro-framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions
- pgadmin4-python-flask-babel - Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
- pgadmin4-python-flask-babelex - Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
- pgadmin4-python-flask-gravatar - Small extension for Flask to make usage of Gravatar service easy
- pgadmin4-python-flask-htmlmin - Flask html response minifier
- pgadmin4-python-flask-login - User session management for Flask
- pgadmin4-python-flask-migrate - SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
- pgadmin4-python-flask-paranoid - Simple user session protection
- pgadmin4-python-flask-principal - Identity management for Flask applications
- pgadmin4-python-flask-security - Simple security for Flask apps
- pgadmin4-python-flask-sqlalchemy - Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask application
- pgadmin4-python-flask-wtf - Simple integration of Flask and WTForms
- pgadmin4-python-html5lib - A python based HTML parser/tokenizer
- pgadmin4-python-htmlmin - HTML Minifier
- pgadmin4-python-htmlmin-doc - HTML Minifier
- pgadmin4-python-itsdangerous - Python library for passing trusted data to untrusted environments
- pgadmin4-python-jinja2 - General purpose template engine
- pgadmin4-python-markupsafe - Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
- pgadmin4-python-markupsafe-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgadmin4-python-markupsafe
- pgadmin4-python-mimeparse - Python module for parsing mime-type names
- pgadmin4-python-passlib - Comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 20 schemes
- pgadmin4-python-pbr - Python Build Reasonableness
- pgadmin4-python-psutil - A process and system utilities module for Python
- pgadmin4-python-psutil-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgadmin4-python-psutil
- pgadmin4-python-pyrsistent - Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures
- pgadmin4-python-pyrsistent-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgadmin4-python-pyrsistent
- pgadmin4-python-simplejson - Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- pgadmin4-python-simplejson-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgadmin4-python-simplejson
- pgadmin4-python-six - Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
- pgadmin4-python-sqlalchemy - Modular and flexible ORM library for python
- pgadmin4-python-sqlalchemy-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgadmin4-python-sqlalchemy
- pgadmin4-python-sqlparse - Non-validating SQL parser for Python
- pgadmin4-python-sshtunnel - SSH tunnels to remote server.
- pgadmin4-python-werkzeug - The Swiss Army knife of Python web development
- pgadmin4-python-wtforms - Forms validation and rendering library for python
- pgadmin4-python3-flask - A micro-framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions
- pgadmin4-python3-flask-compress - Compress responses in your Flask app with gzip.
- pgadmin4-pytz - World Timezone Definitions for Python
- pgadmin4-v1 - Management tool for PostgreSQL
- pgadmin4-v1-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgadmin4-v1
- pgadmin4-v1-docs - pgAdmin4 documentation
- pgadmin4-v1-web - pgAdmin4 web package
- pgadmin4-web - pgAdmin4 web package
- pgagent_94 - Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
- pgagent_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgagent_94
- pgbackman - PostgreSQL backup manager
- pgbackrest - Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore
- pgbadger - A fast PostgreSQL log analyzer
- pgbouncer - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
- pgbouncer-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgbouncer
- pgbson94 - BSON support for PostgreSQL
- pgbson94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgbson94
- pgcenter - top-like PostgreSQL statistics viewer.
- pgcenter-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgcenter
- pgcluu - PostgreSQL performance monitoring and auditing tool
- pgdg-redhat-repo - PostgreSQL PGDG RPMs- Yum Repository Configuration for Red Hat / CentOS
- pgespresso94 - Optional Extension for Barman
- pgespresso94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgespresso94
- pgexportdoc94 - command line utility for exporting XML, JSON, BYTEA document from PostgreSQL
- pgexportdoc94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgexportdoc94
- pgfincore94 - PgFincore is a set of functions to manage blocks in memory
- pgfincore94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgfincore94
- pgimportdoc94 - command line tool for import XML, TEXT and BYTEA documents to PostgreSQL
- pgimportdoc94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgimportdoc94
- pgloader - Fast data loader for PostgreSQL
- pgmemcache-94 - A PostgreSQL API to interface with memcached
- pgmemcache-94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgmemcache-94
- pgmp94 - PostgreSQL Multiple Precision Arithmetic Extension
- pgmp94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgmp94
- pgpool-II-94 - Pgpool is a connection pooling/replication server for PostgreSQL
- pgpool-II-94-34 - Pgpool is a connection pooling/replication server for PostgreSQL
- pgpool-II-94-34-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgpool-II-94-34
- pgpool-II-94-34-devel - The development files for pgpool-II
- pgpool-II-94-34-extensions - Postgersql extensions for pgpool-II
- pgpool-II-94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgpool-II-94
- pgpool-II-94-devel - The development files for pgpool-II
- pgpool-II-94-extensions - Postgresql extensions for pgpool-II
- pgpool-ha - OCF style Resource Agent for pgpool-II
- pgpoolAdmin - PgpoolAdmin - web-based pgpool administration
- pgreplay - PostgreSQL log file re-player
- pgreplay-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgreplay
- pgreplay94 - PostgreSQL log file re-player
- pgreplay94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgreplay94
- pgrouting_94 - Routing functionality for PostGIS
- pgrouting_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgrouting_94
- pgsi - PostgreSQL Log Analyzer Script
- pgsphere94 - R-Tree implementation using GiST for spherical objects
- pgsphere94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgsphere94
- pgstat2_94 - PostgreSQL monitoring script
- pgtap94 - Unit testing for PostgreSQL
- pguri94 - uri type for PostgreSQL
- pguri94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pguri94
- pgxnclient - Command line tool designed to interact with the PostgreSQL Extension Network
- pgxnclient-debuginfo - Debug information for package pgxnclient
- phpPgAdmin - Web-based PostgreSQL administration
- pitrery - Point-In-Time Recovery tools for PostgreSQL
- pldebugger94 - PL/pgSQL debugger server-side code
- pldebugger94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pldebugger94
- pljava-94 - Java stored procedures, triggers, and functions for PostgreSQL
- pljava-94-debuginfo - Debug information for package pljava-94
- plpgsql_check_94 - Additional tools for PL/pgSQL functions validation
- plpgsql_check_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package plpgsql_check_94
- plproxy94 - PL/Proxy is database partitioning system implemented as PL language.
- plproxy94-debuginfo - Debug information for package plproxy94
- plr94 - Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL and R
- plr94-debuginfo - Debug information for package plr94
- plruby94 - PostgreSQL Ruby Procedural Language
- plruby94-debuginfo - Debug information for package plruby94
- plruby94-doc - Documentation for plruby
- plsh94 - Sh shell procedural language handler for PostgreSQL
- plsh94-debuginfo - Debug information for package plsh94
- plv8_94 - V8 Engine Javascript Procedural Language add-on for PostgreSQL
- plv8_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package plv8_94
- postcode_94 - UK postcode type optimised for indexing
- postcode_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package postcode_94
- postgis22_94 - Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
- postgis22_94-client - Client tools and their libraries of PostGIS
- postgis22_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package postgis22_94
- postgis22_94-devel - Development headers and libraries for PostGIS
- postgis22_94-docs - Extra documentation for PostGIS
- postgis22_94-utils - The utils for PostGIS
- postgis24_94 - Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
- postgis24_94-client - Client tools and their libraries of PostGIS
- postgis24_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package postgis24_94
- postgis24_94-devel - Development headers and libraries for PostGIS
- postgis24_94-docs - Extra documentation for PostGIS
- postgis24_94-gui - GUI for PostGIS
- postgis24_94-utils - The utils for PostGIS
- postgis2_94 - Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
- postgis2_94-client - Client tools and their libraries of PostGIS
- postgis2_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package postgis2_94
- postgis2_94-devel - Development headers and libraries for PostGIS
- postgis2_94-docs - Extra documentation for PostGIS
- postgis2_94-utils - The utils for PostGIS
- postgresql-jdbc - JDBC driver for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-jdbc-javadoc - API docs for postgresql-jdbc
- postgresql-unit94 - SI Units for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-unit94-debuginfo - Debug information for package postgresql-unit94
- postgresql94 - PostgreSQL client programs and libraries
- postgresql94-contrib - Contributed source and binaries distributed with PostgreSQL
- postgresql94-debuginfo - Debug information for package postgresql94
- postgresql94-devel - PostgreSQL development header files and libraries
- postgresql94-docs - Extra documentation for PostgreSQL
- postgresql94-jdbc - JDBC driver for PostgreSQL
- postgresql94-jdbc-javadoc - API docs for postgresql94-jdbc
- postgresql94-libs - The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients
- postgresql94-odbc - PostgreSQL ODBC driver
- postgresql94-odbc-debuginfo - Debug information for package postgresql94-odbc
- postgresql94-plperl - The Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql94-plpython - The Python procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql94-pltcl - The Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql94-server - The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL server
- postgresql94-tcl - A Tcl client library for PostgreSQL
- postgresql94-tcl-debuginfo - Debug information for package postgresql94-tcl
- postgresql94-test - The test suite distributed with PostgreSQL
- powa_94 - PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer
- powa_94-debuginfo - Debug information for package powa_94
- powa_94-ui - The user interface of powa
- powa_94-web - The user interface of powa
- prefix94 - Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
- prefix94-debuginfo - Debug information for package prefix94
- proj - Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
- proj-debuginfo - Debug information for package proj
- proj-devel - Development files for PROJ.4
- proj-epsg - EPSG dataset for PROJ.4
- proj-nad - US, Canadian, French and New Zealand datum shift grids for PROJ.4
- proj49 - Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
- proj49-debuginfo - Debug information for package proj49
- proj49-devel - Development files for PROJ.4
- proj49-epsg - EPSG dataset for PROJ.4
- proj49-nad - US, Canadian, French and New Zealand datum shift grids for PROJ.4
- proj49-static - Development files for PROJ.4
- proj52 - Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
- proj52-debuginfo - Debug information for package proj52
- proj52-devel - Development files for PROJ.4
- proj52-epsg - EPSG dataset for PROJ.4
- proj52-nad - US, Canadian, French and New Zealand datum shift grids for PROJ.4
- proj52-static - Development files for PROJ.4
- proj62 - Cartographic projection software (PROJ)
- proj62-debuginfo - Debug information for package proj62
- proj62-devel - Development files for PROJ
- proj62-static - Development files for PROJ
- proj63 - Cartographic projection software (PROJ)
- proj63-debuginfo - Debug information for package proj63
- proj63-devel - Development files for PROJ
- proj63-static - Development files for PROJ
- pspg - a unix pager optimized for psql
- pspg-debuginfo - Debug information for package pspg
- python-argcomplete - Bash tab completion for argparse
- python-argh - A simple argparse wrapper
- python-barman - The shared libraries required for Barman family components
- python-htmlmin - HTML Minifier
- python-htmlmin-doc - HTML Minifier
- python-jinja2 - General purpose template engine
- python-ldap2pg - Synchronize Postgres roles and ACLs from any LDAP directory
- python-ldap2pg-doc - Documentation for ldap2pg
- python-psycopg2 - A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- python-psycopg2-debug - A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python 2 (debug build)
- python-psycopg2-debuginfo - Debug information for package python-psycopg2
- python-psycopg2-doc - Documentation for psycopg python PostgreSQL database adapter
- python-sqlparse - Non-validating SQL parser for Python
- python-werkzeug - The Swiss Army knife of Python web development
- python-wsgiref - WSGI (PEP 333) Reference Library
- python-wtforms - Forms validation and rendering library for python
- python2-barman - The shared libraries required for Barman family components
- python2-psycopg2 - A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- python2-psycopg2-debug - A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python 2 (debug build)
- python2-psycopg2-debuginfo - Debug information for package python2-psycopg2
- python2-psycopg2-tests - A testsuite for %sum 2
- python3-psycopg2 - A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python 3
- python3-psycopg2-tests - A testsuite for %sum 2
- pytz - World Timezone Definitions for Python