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barman -
Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL
boxinfo -
Gather information about a particular computer
check_postgres -
PostgreSQL monitoring script
emaj -
A table update logger for PostgreSQL
ip4r93 -
IPv4 and IPv4 range index types for PostgreSQL
ora2pg -
Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
pagila93 -
A sample database for PostgreSQL
pg_activity -
htop like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring
pg_comparator93 -
Efficient table content comparison and synchronization for PostgreSQL and MySQL
pg_jobmon93 -
Job logging and monitoring extension for PostgreSQL
pg_partman93 -
A PostgreSQL extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
pgadmin3_93 -
Graphical client for PostgreSQL
pgbadger -
a fast PostgreSQL log analyzer
pgbouncer -
Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
pgfincore93 -
PgFincore is a set of functions to manage blocks in memory
pgloader -
Fast data loader for PostgreSQL
pgmemcache-93 -
A PostgreSQL API to interface with memcached
pgpool-II-93 -
Pgpool is a connection pooling/replication server for PostgreSQL
pgrouting_93 -
Routing functionality for PostGIS
pgsphere93 -
R-Tree implementation using GiST for spherical objects
pgxnclient -
Command line tool designed to interact with the PostgreSQL Extension Network
phpPgAdmin -
Web-based PostgreSQL administration
plproxy93 -
PL/Proxy is database partitioning system implemented as PL language.
plr93 -
Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL and R
plsh93 -
Sh shell procedural language handler for PostgreSQL
postgis2_93 -
Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
postgresql93 -
PostgreSQL client programs and libraries
postgresql93-jdbc -
JDBC driver for PostgreSQL
postgresql93-odbc -
PostgreSQL ODBC driver
postgresql_autodoc -
PostgreSQL AutoDoc Utility
python-psycopg2 -
A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
repmgr -
Replication Manager for PostgreSQL Clusters
skytools-93 -
PostgreSQL database management tools from Skype
slony1-93 -
A "master to multiple slaves" replication system with cascading and failover
split_postgres_dump -
Break a PostgreSQL dump file into pre-data and post-data segments
tail_n_mail -
Check Log Files and Mail Related Parties
usda-r18 -
The USDA Food Database Sample for PostgreSQL