Available Groups
- applications/databases
- applications/engineering
- system environment/base
- system environment/libraries
Latest packages: Please go to the navigation menu on the top right for full set of packages.
- 2012-12-31: postgresql90-9.0.11-1PGDG.f14
- 2012-12-31: pgdg-fedora90-9.0-5
- 2012-09-24: pgbadger-2.0-1.f14
- 2012-04-09: pgfincore90-1.1.1-1.f14
- 2012-04-08: pgbouncer-1.5-2.f14
- 2012-04-07: bucardo-4.4.8-1.f14
- 2012-04-07: boxinfo-1.4.0-1.f14
- 2012-04-06: libpqxx-3.1-0.1.f14
- 2012-03-26: phpPgAdmin-5.0.4-1.f14
- 2012-03-09: ip4r90-1.05-3.f14
- 2012-02-26: pgadmin3_90-1.14.2-1.f14
- 2012-02-26: check_postgres-2.19.0-1.f14
- 2012-02-13: plproxy90-2.3-1.f14
- 2011-12-05: postgis90-1.5.3-2.f14
- 2011-12-05: proj-4.7.0-1.f14
- 2011-12-05: python-psycopg2-2.4.2-1.f14
- 2011-12-04: geos-3.3.1-1.f14