
pg_auth_mon_15 - PostgreSQL extension to store authentication attempts

Website: https://github.com/RafiaSabih/pg_auth_mon/
License: MIT
Vendor: PostgreSQL Global Development Group
The goal of this extension is to ease monitoring of login attempts to your database.
Although each failed login is written to database log file, but it is not straightforward
to identify through that information alone if your database is under some malicious
intents. However, if the information like total failed as well as successful login
attempts, timestamp of last failed and successful login are maintained individually,
then we can easily answer questions like,
 * if the user genuinely mistyped their password or their username is being compromised?
 * if there is any particular time when the malicious user/application is active?


pg_auth_mon_15-2.0-1.rhel7.src [15 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gunduz (2023-06-04):
- Update to 2.0
pg_auth_mon_15-1.0-1.rhel7.src [11 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2021-02-25):
- Initial packaging for PostgreSQL RPM Repository

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