
plr_15 - Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL and R

Website: https://github.com/postgres-plr/plr
License: BSD
Vendor: PostgreSQL Global Development Group
Procedural Language Handler for the "R software environment for
statistical computing and graphics".


plr_15-8.4.6-1PGDG.rhel7.src [277 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gunduz (2023-08-03):
- Update to 8.4.6
- Add PGDG branding
- Use macros for version numbers
plr_15-8.4.5-1.rhel7.src [272 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2022-05-19):
- Update to 8.4.5

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7