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bgw_replstatus11 -
PostgreSQL background worker to report wether a node is a replication master or standby
citus_11 -
PostgreSQL-based distributed RDBMS
count_distinct11 -
A hash-table based alternative to COUNT(DISTINCT ...) aggregate in PostgreSQL.
cstore_fdw_11 -
Columnar store extension for PostgreSQL
ddlx_11 -
DDL eXtractor functions for PostgreSQL (ddlx)
hll_11 -
PostgreSQL extension adding HyperLogLog data structures as a native data type
hypopg_11 -
Hypothetical Indexes support for PostgreSQL
jsquery_11 -
PostgreSQL json query language with GIN indexing support
mysql_fdw_11 -
PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for the MySQL
orafce11 -
Implementation of some Oracle functions into PostgreSQL
osm_fdw11 -
PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper OSM PBF
pg_auto_failover_11 -
Postgres extension and service for automated failover and high-availability
pg_bulkload11 -
High speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
pg_catcheck11 -
Tool for diagnosing PostgreSQL system catalog corruption
pg_filedump11 -
PostgreSQL File Dump Utility
pg_fkpart11 -
PostgreSQL extension to partition tables following a foreign key
pg_partman11 -
A PostgreSQL extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
pg_qualstats11 -
A PostgreSQL extension collecting statistics about predicates
pg_slotsync11 -
Script and extension to keep replication slot in sync between master and replicas
pg_stat_kcache11 -
A PostgreSQL extension gathering CPU and disk acess statistics
pg_track_settings11 -
PostgreSQL extension to keep track of settings modification
pgagent_11 -
Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pgdg-redhat-repo -
PostgreSQL PGDG RPMs- Yum Repository Configuration for Red Hat / CentOS
pgfincore11 -
PgFincore is a set of functions to manage blocks in memory
pglogical_11 -
Logical Replication extension for PostgreSQ
pgpool-II-11 -
Pgpool is a connection pooling/replication server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II_11 -
Pgpool is a connection pooling/replication server for PostgreSQL
pgtap11 -
Unit testing for PostgreSQL
pldebugger11 -
PL/pgSQL debugger server-side code
plpgsql_check_11 -
Additional tools for PL/pgSQL functions validation
plr11 -
Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL and R
plsh11 -
Sh shell procedural language handler for PostgreSQL
postgresql11 -
PostgreSQL client programs and libraries
postgresql11-odbc -
PostgreSQL ODBC driver
postgresql11-tcl -
A Tcl client library for PostgreSQL
postgresql_anonymizer11 -
Anonymization & Data Masking for PostgreSQL
postgresql_anonymizer_211 -
Anonymization & Data Masking for PostgreSQL
python2-psycopg2 -
A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
repmgr11 -
Replication Manager for PostgreSQL Clusters
slony1-11 -
A "master to multiple slaves" replication system with cascading and failover
sqlite_fdw11 -
SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL
table_version11 -
PostgreSQL table versioning extension
tds_fdw11 -
TDS Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL
topn_11 -
PostgreSQL extension that returns the top values in a database
wal2json11 -
JSON output plugin for changeset extraction