Letter P

pgMail - Send email from inside a PostgreSQL Database

Website: https://github.com/captbrando/pgMail
License: Apache
pgMail is simply a stored function written in TCL which takes 4
arguments of type 'text' (Who is it from, who is it to, subject, and
body of message), contacts the email server via TCL sockets, and
transmits your email (Now UTF-8 Compatible!).

Before you can use pgMail, you must install the TCL/u procedural
language.  TCL/u is an UNRESTRICTED version of TCL that the database may
use in its stored functions.  ** Take into account that you must prepare
adequate security precautions when adding the TCL/u language to your
database! **  The author will not be responsible for misconfigured
servers allowing dangerous users to do bad things.


pgMail-1.4-1.sles12.noarch [6 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2017-11-16):
- Initial packaging for PostgreSQL RPM Repository

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