Letter P

prefix93-debuginfo - Debug information for package prefix93

Website: https://github.com/dimitri/prefix
License: BSD
Vendor: PostgreSQL Global Development Group
This package provides debug information for package prefix93.
Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this
package or when debugging this package.


prefix93-debuginfo-1.2.8-1.rhel6.i686 [40 KiB] Changelog by - Devrim Gündüz (2018-06-18):
- Update to 1.2.8
- Add patches for all supported PostgreSQL releases
- Fix some rpmlint warnings
prefix93-debuginfo-1.2.4-1.rhel6.i686 [41 KiB] Changelog by - Devrim GUNDUZ (2016-03-03):
- Update to 1.2.4
- Put back Group: tag for RHEL 5.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6