
pgxnclient - Command line tool designed to interact with the PostgreSQL Extension Network

Website: https://github.com/pgxn/pgxnclient
License: BSD
Vendor: PostgreSQL Global Development Group
The PGXN Client is a command line tool designed to interact with the
PostgreSQL Extension Network allowing searching, compiling, installing and
removing extensions in a PostgreSQL installation or database.


pgxnclient-1.3.2-1.rhel7.x86_64 [82 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2021-09-10):
- Update to 1.3.2
pgxnclient-1.3-1.rhel7.x86_64 [102 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2019-10-07):
- Update to 1.3

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7